For the next iteration of our Global Virtual Seminar Series, PCMLP together in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg are delighted to welcome:
Victor Pickard, Associate Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, and Co-Director, Media, Inequality, and Change Center.
at 16:30 GMT Wednesday, June 3, 2020
“Media Policy in a Time of Crisis: Imagining a Post-Pandemic Future for News and Information”
News media industries—particularly newspapers—are facing an existential threat. Dramatic shifts in digital economics, especially the collapse of commercial journalism’s advertising revenue, have devastated local journalism in recent years. The pandemic has accelerated this structural crisis and democratic societies across the globe are scrambling to save journalism before it is too late. My talk will draw from my recent book Democracy without Journalism? to discuss potential policy interventions to not only salvage–but also reinvent–our news media system. Ultimately this crisis is an opportunity to reimagine what journalism could and should be.
PCMLP Global Seminar Series
We recently started the Global Seminar Series with the express intention of breaking out of the traditional mold of in person seminars that are often rich in information but inaccessible to those outside of Oxford. By hosting the seminars live online we can bring fantastic speakers from around the world, and make their talks available to anyone with an internet connection regardless of location. We actively encourage virtual participation in all of our seminars and discussions.
To join the seminar live, follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88645592792?pwd=V25nL0gzZjlHSHZ0bWloYWRWZzU5QT09
All of our seminars will be available afterwards on the PCMLP YouTube channel indefinitely.
The Global Media Policy Seminar Series is a made possible by a collaboration between the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford and the Department of Journalism, Film and Television at the University of Johannesburg, and funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation grant program.